Monday, 17 August 2020

Monday learning so far - Mrs Trembath will add super stars of learning later today as you keep sharing your work with me! Check back in the afternoon or tomorrow morning!


  1. Lots of exciting activities to do on the slidedeck Room 11. Looking forward to seeing all your learning. I can see that some of you have already been very busy! Love you perspective drawings. Very cool! Mrs madden will be so pleased to see all the maths challenge work that you have done. Marble runs measuring, geometry and origami! Phew

  2. I think your marble run is cool. It would have taken a while to make it.

  3. I can see that Room 11 GEMS have been very busy already and it's just the first day. Well done! I hope you are enjoying your sleep in each morning and that you're also having some outside time before it starts to rain.
