Sunday, 16 August 2020

How Distance Learning will look for R11 this week!

For Monday Day 1 of Distance Learning Year 3.

Check the Class blog every morning to see what I have put up. It might be a video or message from me, or some of your classmate’s work to comment on.

I will email your parents later as to when you are having a Google Meet this week with the login code, most likely Wednesday mid-morning or Thursday afternoon.

I have shared a copy of the Distance Learning slides to your Google drive in your Inquiry folder.  This is where you will do all your school work please. Long Distance Learning Slides are under Home Learning tab, now on this blog and the Sunnyhills School website. 

You can share the work to me when it is finished and I will look at it. I will comment on some of your work and give you feedback. 

I expect you to do some of the Reading, Maths, Writing and Toys Inquiry activities on these slides by the end of the week. You can do it in any order you like. A little bit each day is fine.

You all have devices and know how to use them very well because we have learned a lot this year already. If you need help reading the instructions, ask an adult or older sister or brother to help. It does not have to be perfect but always try your best. 

If for some reason you have forgotten your google drive email or password your parents can email me and I will send it to them. Remember all of you can access your school drive on any device with this email and password. 

Enjoy doing your learning at home and have fun. Remember your GEMS and I will see you soon online. Take care.

Mrs Trembath

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